GEM 2023 – Astana (Kazakhstan)


In process of energy transition, reflections on issues of public concern that affect cultures and societies at the global level are needed. The aim of GEM-SILKWAY CENTRA ASIA is to adopt a cross-cultural perspective in analysing the meaning of concepts like sustainability and human development.
Also, the foreign policies of Central Asian states and their adaptation to the geopolitical realities in 2022-2023 will be analysed. To this end, GEM-SILKWAY is ready to contribute to knowledge and dissemination and offers to young researchers, students and professionals
● a wide panorama of the energy policies undertaken specifically in Central Asia and Europe.
● the new trends in energy production (renewable and conventional),
● the future of nuclear power plant
● challenges of energy poverty

Representatives of Italian industries operating in Central Asia and Kazakhstan’s energy companies will participate.


Astana (Kazakhstan)

DATES JUN 26β€” JUN 30, 2023


Prof. Duman Aitmagambetov

Prof. Marina Calloni


  • Maurizio Acciarri – University of Milano-Bicocca
  • Duman Aitmagambetov – Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Marina Calloni – University of Milano-Bicocca
  • Carlo Lucheroni University of Camerino
  • Silvana Stefani – University of Milano-Bicocca